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Just the product and nothing else.

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

It’s a lot of bright lights and glitz nowadays to showcase products. That’s fair too if you look at it from that point of view for, it’s a lot of competition out there. Almost a jungle out there. But the trend in online shopping is changing fast. There is a constant demand for things that are “raw” “and “real”, products without any paraphernalia. It’s a whole new world nowadays which is doing the shopping and they are looking for experience and not just a buy.

This is a trend we can see fast catching up with several inquiries pointing towards this, especially as India and the world comes out of the COVID 19 lockdowns. “These pictures seem to have been shot under much light”; ”Can you show us the real saree. Please show us the real pictures in the raw format so that we can take a realistic decision” are queries, which a few years ago were rare.

Now these voices are growing, especially from a good number of the younger lot.

So, is the e-commerce market and online shopping changing? I would say it is very much there for people to see and the sooner the sellers and marketers recognise that trend, the better it is. Also, they must recognise that, “real” means the costs also come down drastically and many are more price-conscious now, especially post Covid.

Yes for some sellers, it may be a bit difficult to attract eyeballs initially but once you get into it, customers will recognise you for what you are and the genuineness of the products you sell. In the end, if they buy, the products will reach them, and the reality would see light. And to stay in business you need customers who return, who are your best brand ambassadors.

In fact, this is something that sellers already recognise. The mannequins and the models may be there but they seem to be taking a backseat now. The "real" is in.

Now it’s not anymore about fat or thin, about the colour of skin, but just about the real. No illusions, no confusion, just REAL – just the way the generation is and wants their world to be.

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